sheeps, fiends dating, chat, meet

About Us.

Well it's not an 'us' at all. I'm just a person with a text editor, a bit of self taught coding experience and an idea.

I'm just trying to have a bit of fun and give people, including me, an alternative method to make new friends - rather than all these rip off fake dating sites, that require credit card and fees to just chat to other people.

I thought it would be good to ask strangers to answer questions, so you get to know what they are like. I thought having a period of anonymoity would be fun - you could be chatting and getting on well with someone you may not normally interact with - we are all humans after all - why not get on with all types.

The app will no doubt have bugs in it - it's a habit of lifetime that I dont see me breaking any time soon -  and I will really appreciate them getting flagged to me so I can fix them and make it better. But bear in mind I have a regular job, so fixes may not be immediate.

I've designed it around a one-person brainstorm and I know that the user interface isn't the best and a bit dated in the way it works - but simple and just about functional (hopefully). Anyway, you don't pay for it, so don't complain too much, eh?

Most importantly, please be nice and treat everyone with respect.


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